Moseley Primary School promotes high achievement by developing a learning culture that enables every child to:
- take responsibility for their own learning
- relish the challenge of learning wherever they may be
- be leaders of their own lives
- respect themselves, others and the environment
- adopt healthy lifestyles and extend themselves in mind, body and spirit
- make a positive contribution to the community
- achieve high personal standards across the curriculum
We believe that every child will succeed through experiencing quality in:
- a broad, challenging and relevant curriculum
- an enriching programme of extra-curricular activities and visits
- a stimulating learning environment that encourages interdependence
- a rich, varied and up-to-date range of learning resources
- innovative teaching with a personalised approach to learning
- an ethos of responsibility, support, challenge and encouragement to succeed
- learning partnerships between school, home and the community
We demonstrate our commitment to working as a learning community by:
- striving for continuous improvement in all that we do
- working collaboratively towards agreed common goals
- investing in the future of the school through developing its people
- developing the leadership qualities of all staff
- developing as a community of enquiry
- supporting all staff to reach and work at an advanced level
- collaboration and learning with and from other schools and organisations
- promoting the value of a lifetime of learning