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Enjoyment. Discovery. Growth.


At Moseley Primary School, we give each and every child the knowledge and skills to lead healthy, independent and responsible lives and to make positive contributions to society. We help children to understand how they are developing personally and socially and to undertake moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.

As part of this we use Kapow Primary to support the teaching of RSE and PSHE. Kapow’s scheme develops children’s skills and knowledge over five main areas. These are:


Family and Relationships

Health and Wellbeing


Economic Wellbeing

Safety and the Changing body



Statutory Relationships and Health Education: What pupils should know by the end of primary

Parent Open Morning

A big thank you to all of the parents who came to the PSHE open morning. We hope you found the information useful and enjoyed visiting your child's PSHE lesson. If you missed the open morning or would like to read the information yourself in more detail, you can do by clicking the pdf below. 

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