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Enjoyment. Discovery. Growth.


Moseley Primary School – Music Curriculum Intent

Moseley has spent considerable amount of time in developing the music structure based on giving all children access to expert music tuition rather than only a few being able to pay for peripatetic tuition. We believe that all children should be exposed to playing instruments as we want to provide children with as many opportunities as we can to explore any talents that they may have.

The structure is based on developing children’s understanding of music, with our younger children being exposed to vocal music and then the ukulele as this instrument is beginner friendly, easy for small hands and children can experience great success in playing songs. For KS2 the structure is based on developing skills for playing the keyboard.   

In addition to the music lessons, we have a school choir, who have regular visits to concerts and performances, most recently in connection with Coventry Music Hub and Armonico Consort.  The choir also visits a local care home to provide musical entertainment for the residents and develop links with our local community. 


Routeway – based on sequential musical learning



Year 1


Year 2

Whole class ukulele

Year 3

Keyboard - Beginner

Year 4

Keyboard – Building confidence with chords/notes

Year 5

Keyboard – Intermediate / Playing with both hands

Year 6

Keyboard – Building confidence and independence (Extend Repertoire)


Music lessons in Reception and KS1 are currently provided by Coventry Music.  We pay for WCET (Whole Class Ensemble Teaching). Music lessons is KS2 are delivered by Miss Dronfield. 

We work closely with Coventry Music Hub and enjoy providing our children with further opportunities to explore a broad range of musical styles and genres. Coventry Music Hub are able to offer, organise and facilitate many events including carol concerts, Big Sing events, Music workshops and performances from music specialists. 


A Musical Journey

In addition to learning to play a musical instrument, we believe our curriculum provides enjoyment, development and growth.  In Reception, children will begin to learn about the dimensions of music: dynamics, tempo, pitch, duration, texture, timbre and structure. This knowledge will be developed and enhanced through KS1 and KS2.  We also believe it is important that children are exposed to a wide variety of different genres and cultures in music.  Our Music curriculum is underpinned by the Models for Music Curriculum, which outlines in detail the breadth of music to be covered across KS1 and KS2. 



Singing is an important element of the Music curriculum; it allows children to express themselves, feel part of a team and develop their performing skills.  Singing takes place in every Music lesson through vocal warm ups, assembly songs and repeating musical phrases.  As children’s enjoyment of singing is nurtured, they begin to develop skills, such as singing in rounds, two-part, three-part, and four-part singing and more complex rhythms and vocal styles. Links can then be made with professional singers and children can explore their own next steps in this area. 



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