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P.E with Joe / Monday 23rd March 2020

Day one of my 9am daily workouts

Here are some ideas to keep your children busy during their time at home.


They could start the morning by doing some exercises. Try some of theses below to keep them moving.

5 Star-jumpers—start nice and straight with your arms by your side and then jump out into a star shape.

5 push ups— start on your knees and see if you can progress to straight legs.

5 Tuck jumps—make yourself as small as possible and jump up into a standing position.

Tiptoe walking— how far can you go?

Toe touching—  lie on your back and bring your legs up one at a time and touch your toes, make sure you don’t over stretch.


More ideas to keep them entertained:

Create a meal or bake something with the ingredients in your kitchen cupboard.

Dig out some recycled bits and have a go at junk modelling.

Lego challenge, you were hired by an amusement park to create a new roller coaster.

Sow some seeds, we all got apples and tomatoes in our kitchen after enjoying them, plant the seeds.

Bird watching— try this website

Den building in the garden

Nature rubbing—how many different surfaces can you find? Using paper and wax crayons.

Find a stick—imagine what it could be— wand, sword or umbrella, now make up a story.

Lift up that stone, what lives beneath? www.woodlandtrust has lots of identification sheets.

Cloud watching, what shapes can you spot?

Make friendship bracelets

Play I spy

Design a board game

Learn to sew or knit

Make a picture from buttons


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