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Reading at Home information letter for Parents

At Moseley we feel that reading is the foundation of all literacy skills that are needed to access the whole curriculum.  From an early age we provide children with opportunities to learn about books that they can truly enjoy. Children will discover and explore the work of many different authors and text types which will allow them to flourish and grow as lovers of literacy.  

In school:

Foundation and Key Stage 1 (Year R - Year2)

In the Foundation Stage and through Key Stage One children are taught to read using a synthetic phonics programme developed by Oxford University Press called Floppy's Phonics.  This is incorporated into the curriculum through a daily 20 minute session.  Children are provided with a range of resources that are kept in a home/school file. Children have many opportunities in throughout the day at school to read either on a one-to-one basis or within a group.  We know that children need to be asked quality questions about what they are reading to establish understanding beyond a literal level, therefore all adults who support reading enable children to develop these skills. 

Children are also expected to read and spell key words that they use on a regular basis in order to develop fluency in their reading. 

Key Stage 2 (Year 3 - Year 6)

As children enter KS2 they will continue to develop their phonics skills with Floppy's Phonics progressing to Phonics International at the appropriate time.  Children also use phonics when learning to spell and they are regularly assessed to ensure that progress is being made. 

Regular guided reading sessions aim to encourage interest in reading a variety of different text types and to monitor children's progress in reading. 

At Home:

Children are encouraged to read a range of fiction and non-fiction books both in school and at home.  Parents are given the opportunity to comment on their child's reading by using a Reading Diary.  Teachers may also send home key words or spelling lists for children to practise. 

Oxford Reading Tree:

At Moseley we use the Oxford Reading Tree scheme. For more information about the scheme please click here. For support with reading with your child at home, please click on the booklet below. Your child's teacher will also be happy to discuss any questions you may have.


Have you visited yet? It's a wonderful website full of ideas and games to improve reading. The site also has eBook versions of your favourite Oxford Reading Tree books! Some are also narrated.


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