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Enjoyment. Discovery. Growth.



Enjoyment, Discovery, Growth


Our aim is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them for today and tomorrow. The minimum children will leave Moseley Primary School with is the knowledge, skills, aspiration, resilience and determination to thrive at secondary school


At Moseley Primary School the curriculum has been designed and planned using the National Curriculum. The objectives in the National Curriculum form the basis of our curriculum and ensures that children are taught the essential basic skills.


Not only is our curriculum designed to teach these essential skills it also ensures that all children:


  • knows about the City of Coventry and why they should be proud to live here
  • build on prior learning
  • are provided with first hand learning experiences
  • are allowed to develop their interpersonal skills
  • build resilience and independence
  • become creative, critical thinkers


Across Moseley Primary School we teach the full range of subjects to ensure full curriculum coverage. In Early Years and Key Stage 1 we prioritise spoken language, reading, writing and maths. In Key Stage 2 the children study the full curriculum.


The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values with a vision to prepare them for life beyond primary school. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities to engage learning. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and an enquiring time in our lives, where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge.  


We promote British Values through our Moseley Values (resilience, responsibility, respect, honesty, happiness and cooperation) to promote positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for learning and future success.


Community involvement is an integral part of our curriculum, inviting families and visitors to facilitate learning new skills and sharing experience. Children leave Moseley with a sense of belonging to a tightly knit community where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.


The family of Moseley Primary School support a range of charities each year. Our children in Year 6 lead this work and work tirelessly to help those less fortunate than ourselves.


We would love to share more information about how each individual subject is taught at Moseley Primary School and what knowledge the children will learn as they progress through the school. Please click on the subjects on the left hand side to find out more.


Our leaflets for parents with information about what their child is learning is located on the Termly Overviews in the parent section of the website.  Please click on the link below to view this information:

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