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COVID-19 – Letter to Parents 19.03.2020

Dear Parents 
The situation that the country is facing is changing so rapidly at the moment – we are trying really hard to keep you up to date with the changes and what they mean for you and your children.


Following the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday evening, Wednesday 18th March 2020, the Government has changed what it expects schools to do; Schools are now to offer reduced access to pupils until further notice in order to prioritise the needs of the most vulnerable young people and the children of key workers.


This means that for most of our children school will be closed from Friday evening – this might be for several weeks and even months. School will provide work for children to do while they are at home.


We are still waiting for details and guidance, as soon as we receive this we will share this with you. School will also be open to the children of Key Workers – currently there is no definition of ‘key workers’ but we assume it to mean – Police, Fire, NHS, Education Staff, Social Workers, Delivery Drivers and Shop Workers.


It is really important that you understand that this list may not be complete or accurate – we are just trying to get ahead of the game. Hannah and Mr Timms are going to start to ring around all parents to establish how many are ‘key workers’ so that we can start to plan for the number of children that will be in school from Monday.


Please be aware that the children who come to school may be in mixed age classes and may not be following their normal plan of work while we try to establish a more sustainable position. 
Thank you for your support and understanding. 
Nikki Evans


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