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Frequently Asked Questions - September 2020

Frequently Asked Questions about Returning to School in September

Please read the booklet which can be found here 

before reading these questions.


Here are all of the questions which have been asked during the summer holidays. Any further questions can be emailed to


It is VERY IMPORTANT that the booklet is read by parent and children before returning to school.


Please share the booklet and information with anyone who will be dropping off your child or collecting them.


Which Year Groups are returning to school on September 3rd?

Year 1 – Year 6 children will return to school on Thursday 3rd September. Children should arrive between 8:30am – 9:10am. Don’t forget that the gates will close at 9:15am and children will be unable to come into school after this time.


When do Reception children return to school?

Children in Reception will return to school

Wednesday 9th September – 8:45am – 12:00pm

Thursday 10th September – 8:45am – 1:00pm

Friday 11th September – 8:45am – 3:20pm



When do Nursery children return to school?

Children who are attending Nursery will have received a pack from school containing information about your child’s start dates. Nursery inductions start from Wednesday 16th September. Please contact the office for specific details of your child’s induction if you have any queries.


When do Dynamos children return to school?

Parents will receive an email with this information in wb 31st August. This email will give details of when their settling in sessions will take place.


Are parents allowed to come inside the school building?

We are very sorry but our risk assessment does not allow parents to come inside the building at any time. This means that all children will need to be dropped off at classroom doors. We know this might be hard for some children but please trust the staff team to look after and comfort your child.

I have an urgent message for the class teacher. Is it ok to speak to them on the door before or after school?

All messages for staff must be sent via the school office (02476593572) or the class teacher’s email address. Unfortunately staff are unable to take messages on the door.

Are bags allowed in school?


Children can bring

  • a water bottle
  • a reading book in a plastic wallet (we will provide the plastic wallet)
  • a coat


Some children will bring a lunch box but this must we wiped each day by the parent.


Shall I return reading books from last year?

Yes please if you have one or more at home.

Please add those to your child’s plastic wallet and we will return them to school stock.


Will my child be able to play with a child in the other class in the same year group at playtime and lunchtime?

Yes – Your child will be in a year group bubble and the year groups will spend playtime and lunchtime together on a marked out area of playground. Children will be taught in class bubbles.


Will my child have a homework and spelling book to bring home?

Homework will be set via Seesaw. This will be set once per week. Weekly spellings will also be set via Seesaw each week.

Children will record their reading via Seesaw at home and at school. Children or parents can either add a note on Seesaw to tell us what they have read or they can record themselves reading their reading book. Reading books will be changed as they were in previous years.


My child is in Reception. How do I tell the teacher what they want for lunch?

All parents in Reception have been emailed a link for them to complete their menu. If you have not received this link then please contact the office. If you haven’t completed the menu request yet then please do so. Children in Year 1 – 6 will order their lunch each morning with their teacher.


My child is in Early Years and has only recently been toilet trained. What will happen if they have an accident?

We have spare clothes. If your child has an accident a member of staff will help them get changed. We ask that you wash these spare clothes and return in a carrier bag. These will then be quarantined for 72 hours. If you are worried about your child in Early Years having regular accidents then we ask that on their first day you send your child with a bag of spare clothes which we will keep in school for the entire half term.



My child’s hands became sore from repeatedly washing them in March. Will they still have to wash them frequently?

Yes. The most effective way to control the spread of COVID-19 is through regular handwashing. School have purchased different soap from last year which should help the problems some children had. Children will also spend more time learning about the importance of rinsing their hands properly to get rid of the soap and drying them carefully.


Can my child bring a snack to school?

YrR-Yr2 will be provided with free fruit. Yr3-Yr6 children can bring a healthy snack to eat at break time. This can be fruit, vegetable or a cereal bar.


Can I send in cream or their own hand wash?

We have plenty of soap and hand sanitiser in school. If your child has an allergy to the soap then they may bring in hand cream but this must not be shared with other children.


When does Edge restart and what hours is it operating?

Edge restarts on Monday 7th September. The hours are 8:00am – 5:20pm


I would like a place for my child in Edge. What should I do?

Please email to enquire about a place.


Are both parents allowed to bring their child to school and collect them?

No. Only one adult is allowed to bring their child to school at once.


I have an SEN meeting for my child, will this still go ahead?

These meetings will all be virtual, not face to face. These meetings will start in October once children have settled.


Can I bring a small child with me to drop my older child off?

Yes. If you have no one else to look after your other children then yes you can bring them with you to school.


When do PE lessons start?

PE lessons will start on Monday 7th September. Please see booklet for the days your child will be doing PE. Reception parents will find out more information about their PE days via the termly learning team leaflet.

All children should be in full school uniform including black school shoes on Thursday 3rd September and Friday 4th September.

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