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IMPORTANT Up to date information re COVID19 for Parents/Carers


Dear Parents and Carers,


We hope that you managed to have a nice half term despite the tier 2 restrictions in Coventry.


You will all have seen the news about a new national Lockdown starting on Thursday. I wanted to write to you about what this means for Moseley and your children.


School will remain open, as will Edge Club, for the entire period of Lockdown. You will be able to send your children to school every day and dropping children at school is one of the very few reasons that you will be allowed to leave your house.


The safety measures that we already have in place will remain: very regular hand washing, maintaining social distancing where possible, additional cleaning of all surfaces etc.


To keep safe we need all adults who come on to school site to follow these rules:

·         Only one adult per family to come on to school site.

·         All adults (including staff) must wear a mask while on school site.

·         All families must social distance while on school site (this means no waiting on site for other families).

·         Please do not have conversations with staff at the door or on school grounds – please communicate by email or phone as it is safer.


We know that this is a difficult, stressful and scary time. If you need us, we are here to help – please get in touch if you are worried about anything.


Thank you for your help and support


Best wishes


Nikki Evans


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