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COVID School Risk Assessment January 2022

Local Authority Letters to Parents 14.12.2021

Local Authority letter for Parents

School Routines in September

Covid-19 Support Grant for EARLY YEARS

Free School Meal (FSM) Vouchers

Coventry City Council has made arrangements for FSM pupils to receive food vouchers via a partnership with  


Dear Parent / Carer,


I hope that you are all keeping safe and well in these challenging times.


Coventry City Council has made arrangements for FSM pupils to receive food vouchers via a partnership with  These vouchers will be sent via TEXT and/or EMAIL to your mobile phone.


To redeem the voucher, please follow the steps outlined below:


  1. Follow the link, choose which supermarket you would like an e-voucher for, and press submit. The supermarkets available for selection from are e.g. ASDA, Morrison’s, Tesco, Aldi, Iceland, Waitrose and Sainsburys.
  2. You will then be sent an e-voucher for your chosen supermarket. Please be aware that the timescale for this to be sent will vary by supermarket. The expected turnaround is approximately 24-48 hours.


If you have any questions about the message that you receive from Wonde, or if you believe you should have received a message from Wonde and haven’t, please email:


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Can the retailer selected by the parent be changed?

Once the parent has selected the retailer this cannot be changed. The parent is able to choose a different retailer for each voucher that is assigned to them. 


How do parents receive the voucher?

Parents receive the voucher by text message and email (providing you have these contact details available on your MIS). 


How long does it take for the voucher to be received?

Most vouchers are received within 30 minutes after the retailer is selected. If the parent selects Morrisons or Asda, then the following timings apply: 

  • If selected before 1 pm, the voucher will be received that evening.
  • If selected after 1 pm, the voucher will be received the following working day (in the evening)


Are there any restrictions on what the vouches can be used for? The restrictions for each supermarket are listed below:


  • Asda: Cannot be used in Petrol stations or to purchase tobacco products, stamps, lottery or phone top-ups.
  • Morrisons: Cannot be used online or for gift-card or lottery purchases.
  • Aldi: Cannot be used for the purchasing of gift cards, lottery tickets, scratch cards (or related material), alcohol or anything through ALDI’s website.
  • Tesco: Cannot be used in petrol stations.
  • Sainsbury’s: Cannot be used in petrol stations, pharmacies, branded gift cards, scratch cards, LPG autogas, infant formula, tobacco and related products, BT phone cards, E top-up, savings stamps, postage stamps, National lottery products, online delivery charges, concession coffee shops and restaurants
  • Iceland: Cannot be used online or for alcohol.


Many thanks


Nikki Evans


Remote Education Provision - Information for parents March 2021

COVID School Risk Assessment March 2021

Welcome Back to School - MARCH 2021 - revised

COVID 19 Lateral Flow test information for Parents 12.2.2021

COVID Update - Letter to Parents 15.01.2021

COVID Arrangements Update 11.01.2021

COVID School Risk Assessment January 2021

Remote Learning Policy




Dear Parent/Carer,


We have been closely following the advice of public health authorities, assessing the demand, and the staffing ratios, so it is with regret that we are having to make the difficult decision to temporarily close EDGE Club. 


This will take effect from Monday 11th January 2021, so our last day of operation will be Friday 08th January 2021. 


I understand that this decision will have a big impact on our Parent/Carers who are keyworkers, and I do apologise for the inconvenience this may cause you and hope you are able to make alternative arrangements.

We truly hope we will be able to return back to the normal running of EDGE Club as soon as possible. We will keep you informed about any updates we might have, through our normal communication channels.

We will be reviewing your invoices/payments, and establishing the value amounts for any refunds due back to you.  Please may we ask, if possible, all standing orders and automatic payments you have set up to pay us are stopped until further notice to avoid a large credit balance building up on your account which we may not be able to pay back.


Please be patient with us while we review your payments.  We are working hard to ensure everyone’s safety, and organise school as best as we can.

Please accept our sincerest apologies again and thank you for your continued support, and understanding.  Please stay safe.


Kind regards,


Nikki Evans






Dear Parents and Carers,


I can’t apologise enough for the lateness of this information. I am acutely aware of the inconvenience that the contents of this email will cause you. Due to shortage of staff the following classes will be the only ones that are OPEN from tomorrow until further notice:

Dynamos, E1, E2, D4, D5 and G4. 


EDGE remains open. 


All other classes are closed.


For the children in the classes that are closed remote learning activities will be available on Seesaw from 9:30am tomorrow. 


If your child has a Social Worker they can attend school even if their class is closed. 


If your child has an Education Health Care Plan they can attend school even if their class is closed.


If you are a Key Worker (eg. Police Officer, Teacher, NHS worker, Fire Officer, essential shop worker or essential delivery driver) you may also send your child to school even if their class is closed. Please email to let us know to expect your child.


If you do not have a device to access home learning and need to borrow one from school please email with your child's name and we will try and sort this out for you.


If the situation changes, I will be back in touch with you. Thank you so much for your understanding.


Nikki Evans


Covid Arrangements Update 01.12.2020

Covid Practices Update November 2020

IMPORTANT Up to date information re: COVID19 for Parents/Carers


Dear Parents and Carers,


We hope that you managed to have a nice half term despite the tier 2 restrictions in Coventry.


You will all have seen the news about a new national Lockdown starting on Thursday. I wanted to write to you about what this means for Moseley and your children.


School will remain open, as will Edge Club, for the entire period of Lockdown. You will be able to send your children to school every day and dropping children at school is one of the very few reasons that you will be allowed to leave your house.


The safety measures that we already have in place will remain: very regular hand washing, maintaining social distancing where possible, additional cleaning of all surfaces etc.


To keep safe we need all adults who come on to school site to follow these rules:

·         Only one adult per family to come on to school site.

·         All adults (including staff) must wear a mask while on school site.

·         All families must social distance while on school site (this means no waiting on             site for other families).

·         Please do not have conversations with staff at the door or on school grounds –               please communicate by email or phone as it is safer.


We know that this is a difficult, stressful and scary time. If you need us, we are here to help – please get in touch if you are worried about anything.


Thank you for your help and support


Best wishes


Nikki Evans


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